Thunderstorms & Bouncy Balls

Saturday April 27, 2013 started out nasty.  It was overcast and humid, but I was a barrel full of energy.  I was two days shy of 38 weeks pregnant and, for the first time in weeks, felt fabulous.  I woke up bright and early with Caitlin and let Paul sleep in.  We went together toContinue reading “Thunderstorms & Bouncy Balls”

Redefining Supermom

In my regular quest for fantastic parenting articles, blogs and pieces, I came across one in particular that really got me thinking.  In this piece, the author stated that there are very clearly two types of mothers: supermoms that have spotless homes, gourmet meals, scheduled extracurriculars and a flawless appearance and then ‘other’ mothers thatContinue reading “Redefining Supermom”